Michael Rogers
2018-11-05 17:38:05 UTC
Hi all,
It's great to see that some children of #25500 have already been
released in the 0.3.4 series. Can I ask about the longer-term plan for
this work, and whether #23289 (or something similar) is part of it?
The context for my question is that we're trying to reduce Briar's power
consumption. Until now we've held a wake lock to keep the CPU awake all
the time, but normally an Android device would go into "deep sleep"
(which corresponds to suspend on other platforms) whenever the screen's
turned off, apart from brief wakeups for alarms and incoming network
traffic. Holding a permanent wake lock has a big impact on battery life.
Most of our background work can be handled with alarms, but we still
need to hold a wake lock whenever Tor's running because libevent timers
don't fire when the CPU's asleep, and Tor gets a nasty surprise when it
wakes up and all its timers are late.
It looks like most of the work has been moved off the one-second
periodic timer, which is great, but I assume that work's now being
scheduled by other means and still needs to be done punctually, which we
can't currently guarantee on Android without a wake lock.
As far as I can tell, getting rid of the wake lock requires one of the
1. Tor becomes extremely tolerant of unannounced CPU sleeps. I don't
know enough about Tor's software architecture to know how feasible this
is, but my starting assumption would be that adapting a network-oriented
codebase that's been written for a world where time passes at a steady
rate and timers fire punctually, to a world where time passes in fits
and starts and timers fire eventually, would be a nightmare.
2. Tor tolerates unannounced CPU sleeps within some limits. This is
similar to the previous scenario, except the controller sets a regular
alarm to ensure the CPU never sleeps for too long, and libevent ensures
that when the CPU wakes up, any overdue timers fire immediately (maybe
this happens already?). Again, I'd assume that adapting Tor to this
environment would be a huge task, but at least there'd be limits on the
One of the difficulties with this option is that under some conditions,
the controller can only schedule one alarm every 15 minutes. Traffic
from the guard would also wake the CPU, so if we could ask the guard for
regular keepalives, we might be able to promise that the CPU will wake
once every keepalive interval, unless the guard connection's lost, in
which case it will wake once every 15 minutes. But keepalives from the
guard would require a protocol change, which would take time to roll
out, and would let the guard know (if it doesn't already) that the
client's running on Android.
3. Tor knows when it next needs to wake up, and relies on the controller
to wake it. This requires a way for the controller to query Tor, and Tor
to query libevent, for the next timer that needs to fire (perhaps from
some subset of timers that must fire punctually even if the CPU's
asleep). Libevent doesn't need to detect overdue timers by itself, but
it needs to provide a hook for re-checking whether timers are overdue.
The delay until the next timer needs to be at least a few seconds long,
at least some of the time, for sleeping to be worthwhile. And finally,
even if all those conditions are met, we run up against the 15-minute
limit on alarms again.
None of these options are good. I'm not even sure if the first and third
are feasible. But I don't know enough about Tor or libevent to be sure.
If you do, I'd be really grateful for your help in understanding the
constraints here.
It's great to see that some children of #25500 have already been
released in the 0.3.4 series. Can I ask about the longer-term plan for
this work, and whether #23289 (or something similar) is part of it?
The context for my question is that we're trying to reduce Briar's power
consumption. Until now we've held a wake lock to keep the CPU awake all
the time, but normally an Android device would go into "deep sleep"
(which corresponds to suspend on other platforms) whenever the screen's
turned off, apart from brief wakeups for alarms and incoming network
traffic. Holding a permanent wake lock has a big impact on battery life.
Most of our background work can be handled with alarms, but we still
need to hold a wake lock whenever Tor's running because libevent timers
don't fire when the CPU's asleep, and Tor gets a nasty surprise when it
wakes up and all its timers are late.
It looks like most of the work has been moved off the one-second
periodic timer, which is great, but I assume that work's now being
scheduled by other means and still needs to be done punctually, which we
can't currently guarantee on Android without a wake lock.
As far as I can tell, getting rid of the wake lock requires one of the
1. Tor becomes extremely tolerant of unannounced CPU sleeps. I don't
know enough about Tor's software architecture to know how feasible this
is, but my starting assumption would be that adapting a network-oriented
codebase that's been written for a world where time passes at a steady
rate and timers fire punctually, to a world where time passes in fits
and starts and timers fire eventually, would be a nightmare.
2. Tor tolerates unannounced CPU sleeps within some limits. This is
similar to the previous scenario, except the controller sets a regular
alarm to ensure the CPU never sleeps for too long, and libevent ensures
that when the CPU wakes up, any overdue timers fire immediately (maybe
this happens already?). Again, I'd assume that adapting Tor to this
environment would be a huge task, but at least there'd be limits on the
One of the difficulties with this option is that under some conditions,
the controller can only schedule one alarm every 15 minutes. Traffic
from the guard would also wake the CPU, so if we could ask the guard for
regular keepalives, we might be able to promise that the CPU will wake
once every keepalive interval, unless the guard connection's lost, in
which case it will wake once every 15 minutes. But keepalives from the
guard would require a protocol change, which would take time to roll
out, and would let the guard know (if it doesn't already) that the
client's running on Android.
3. Tor knows when it next needs to wake up, and relies on the controller
to wake it. This requires a way for the controller to query Tor, and Tor
to query libevent, for the next timer that needs to fire (perhaps from
some subset of timers that must fire punctually even if the CPU's
asleep). Libevent doesn't need to detect overdue timers by itself, but
it needs to provide a hook for re-checking whether timers are overdue.
The delay until the next timer needs to be at least a few seconds long,
at least some of the time, for sleeping to be worthwhile. And finally,
even if all those conditions are met, we run up against the 15-minute
limit on alarms again.
None of these options are good. I'm not even sure if the first and third
are feasible. But I don't know enough about Tor or libevent to be sure.
If you do, I'd be really grateful for your help in understanding the
constraints here.